How I Made a Healthier, More Energetic Start to 2022


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How was the first couple of months of 2022?

I must admit, after a loss in the family last year, I was still very much in a slump and found it hard to get back on track. Add to that everything that is happening in the world, even just getting the will to do more than what I need to is seriously lacking.

We Decided to Invest in a Treadmill

But as the new year rolled around, we decided to get a treadmill. The thinking was that, well, if it’s there, we are more likely to use it, aren’t we? 😀

It cost a small fortune, even though we only got a lower model. But consider how much going to a hospital costs right now, and we thought the treadmill (prevention) might be worth it.

We decided to put it in the guest bedroom. It’s not like we’re expecting guests any time soon, anyway, LOL.

Please don’t come after me for the short curtains 🙂 it wasn’t my decision. Also, it was impractical for floor-length curtains since it’s a seldom used room and floor gets dusty 🙂 Normally, the bed is positioned in a way that covers the bottom of the curtains, we just moved it to make space for the treadmill.

At first, the treadmill just stayed there, unused. But then one night I felt like I had eaten a bit too much carbs that day, so decided to go on the treadmill to burn off what I can. It wasn’t too much hassle to do as I had made it out to be. I watched a movie on Netflix while fast walking on the treadmill. This really helps make the hour go by faster 🙂

A few nights later, I went on the treadmill again, this time, going a little faster. And then again a few nights later. I didn’t give myself any challenging goals. All I wanted to do was burn up some carbs while watching TV. And then, after a few sessions, next time, I started feeling that it wasn’t challenging enough anymore (or I got used to it), I would want to increase the speed.

How to Make Using the Treadmill Easier

Some things I did to make it easier for me –  I basically just removed obstacles to going on the treadmill, and made it as painless as possible.

  • we kept the treadmill in position, ready to use – while it can be folded and stored away, we just kept the treadmill ready and plugged in (just press ON button to turn on/off). There’s no more big obstacle of having to haul out and set up the treadmill before using.
  • I kept my sneakers & socks ready, just beside the treadmill
  • set up media – whether it’s a TV, a laptop, a tablet, phone, etc… set it up so you don’t have to mess with it more than you need to whenever you want to watch something on the treadmill. For example, if you are using a stand, set it up at the right height already so you don’t need to fix that anymore every time. In our case, we moved the bed so the treadmill can be in front of the TV
  • I didn’t bother too much with having to change into workout clothes. If I was planning on a more strenuous run, I’d change into a sports bra, but for just fast walking, I don’t feel like I need to. I just wear whatever pambahay (house clothes) I was already wearing, and then get a shower and change after a rest period (after finishing the movie, LOL).

It’s so easy now that I really don’t see having to exercise as a hassle. All I have to do is refill my water flask, put on my sneakers and press the ON button of the treadmill. It honestly takes more time to turn on the TV and choose something to watch on Netflix!

Making Sure I Have the Nutrients I Need

I’ve also been taking Berocca to feel more energetic! I swear, Berocca always helps me whenever I feel like I’m about to get sick. When I’m feeling under the weather, taking Berocca makes me recover faster. Right now, I’m taking Berocca every few days because I feel like Berocca is that potent that its effects on me last a few days. When I’m sick, I increase the frequency based on how I’m feeling.

I feel more inspired to go on the treadmill. Berocca gives me energy and a positive feeling about the day but doesn’t make me feel “wired”. At the end of the day, I still have energy to go on the treadmill instead of just wanting to flop on the bed in front of the TV.

Berocca Scrambled Eggs Breakfast
To take Berocca, dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water. It’s just like drinking fizzy orange juice 🙂

I also try to eat healthier. We slice up some fresh fruit (usually ripe papaya, pineapple, watermelon or whatever is in season), put it in a container in the fridge, ready to eat. Anytime I am setting a plate, I just add some sliced fruit from the fridge – so easy!

I also try to cook more leafy green vegetables and real, whole food.

My Berocca Experience

A few months ago, I caught the dreaded virus despite being careful and staying home. For me, it felt like a very bad flu – headache, general weakness, just wanting to sleep and sleep for days. While I never felt that my life was in danger, I took everything that people recommended, just to be on the safe side. Medical advice also was to take Vitamin C and drink lots of water to help fight it off. I thought I was going to take only 1 Berocca tablet per day, but I ended up taking Berocca 3 times up to 4 times A DAY at that time! I really feel that it was a big help to my immune system to fight off the bug. I could literally feel when I needed to take another big dose of Vitamin C, and Berocca was the most effective Vit C + B I tried. I also noticed my pee (normally very yellow for a day or so after taking Vitamin C, becomes pale within a few hours while I was sick, I assumed that meant the Vit C / B were being depleted quickly). We also had different Vit C capsules, but it was with Berocca that I felt the effects / improvement of how I felt. I swear that it really, really helped me overcome the sickness. I am not saying it is a cure or anything. It’s still best to consult with your doctor. I am just sharing my experience. Taking other Vit C capsules, I didn’t feel anything different at all, but after taking Berocca, I can feel an energy boost and a general better feeling like my gas tank has been topped up.

I continued to take 1 per day to help with recovery, then eventually went back to my normal usage of Berocca.

Looking Forward to a Healthier 2022

So, what changes have these new habits done for me?

I’m feeling so much better, with a more positive attitude. Healthier. More energetic. Decluttered A LOT of stuff. Starting new morning routines and evening routines. Getting back to living life.

I am still not as productive as I used to be, but it’s getting there 🙂 Taking Berocca really helps make me feel more energetic and ready to tackle the things I need to do for the day!

Join the Berocca Supercharged Squad at to get rewards for your health efforts! They tell me they have something new coming up soon!

#BeroccaPH #SparkTheEnergy

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