How to Take Care of Our Body’s Silent Hero, The Liver, with Essentiale

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Essentiale Talk

Last week, I was invited to a liver-health event hosted by Essentiale.

Essentiale (pronounced essentialeh) is made up of essential phospholipids naturally derived from soya beans, and it:

  • regenerates damaged liver cells
  • restores lost phospholipids, and
  • repairs the normal functions of the liver.


The liver is probably one of the body’s most overworked organs. It may as well be called a “Silent Hero” because it plays a key role in the chemical processes of the body.

The liver stores important vitamins, energy and minerals, and releases them to the blood. It helps the body to resist infections by producing immune factors and removing bacteria from the blood. It converts the food you eat into energy, and produces chemicals your brain needs and spinal cord needs. The liver also detoxifies by metabolizing and expelling drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins from your system. It also helps digest your food and absorb important nutrients through the bile it produces.


We often have the misconception that liver disease only affects those who like to drink, but it can actually affect anyone. One of the speakers discussed a study that showed liver disease affects 14-30% of the population.

Here are a few forms of liver disease:

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

This is fatty liver among patients who consume little or no alcohol, and symptoms include fatigue, pain in the upper right abdomen, and enlarged stomach. People at risk for NAFLD are obese people and patients exposed to toxins and who consume certain medications.

Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD)

This is a complication off excessive alcohol intake. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and jaundice.

Liver Injury due to Drugs

This is injury to the liver caused by long-term medication. Those at risk are the elderly and people who take multiple medications.


The term hepatitis refer to inflammation of the liver. Symptoms include jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin), abdominal pain, and extreme fatigue.


Our liver does a lot for us. Here are a few things we can do to take care of our silent hero:

  • eat right – eat a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits
  • control alcohol intake
  • be responsible in taking medication
  • avoid environmental pollutants
  • be wary of herbal supplements
  • be health conscious – wash hands properly and consider vaccination against viral hepatitis
  • exercise regularly
  • consult your doctor – you can take a blood test to check how healthy your liver is

Essentiale Liver Blood Test

You can also take Essentiale Forte P to help your liver out!

Essentiale Capsules

Essentiale Forte P is available at all leading drugstores. SRP is P33.00.


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